Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome

Understanding Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome

When you read, your brain controls how what you are reading is processed. It also affects the way your eyes track, focus, and coordinate. Brain damage can lead to problems with how the brain works in tandem with the eyes. Patients suffering from concussions, mild traumatic brain injuries, or whiplash can develop post-traumatic vision syndrome. If you are suffering from this condition, our team at Eyes For Wellness in Indianapolis can help.

What Is Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome?

Patients who have experienced brain injuries experience vision problems, such as blurred or double vision and visual field defects. The eyes have trouble working together, which causes the information to be mixed up. It can also be challenging to comprehend what you are reading. Lack of attention span is also a common condition due to trauma vision syndrome.

What Are the Effects of Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome?

There are several ways that post trauma vision disorder can affect your vision and your ability to read and perform other tasks. These include:

Accommodative dysfunction: Your eyes have an automatic focusing system, which allows you to clearly see objects at all distances. If you suffer from post trauma vision syndrome, it can be difficult for your focusing system to work properly.

Binocular vision dysfunction: Healthy eyes are able to align properly. Post trauma vision syndrome affects this ability, and one eye can deviate while the other stays fixed, causing a condition called strabismus.

Convergence insufficiency: This condition can cause various symptoms when doing close-up work for a long period of time. These include headaches, eyestrain, blurry vision, double vision, trouble concentrating, and difficulty sleeping.

Ocular motor dysfunction: This condition makes it difficult to track objects properly due to both eyes' lack of fluid movement together. This can make reading lines of text difficult. It can also make walking difficult because you can easily misjudge the distance.

Treating Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome

Our professional staff offers visual rehabilitation for patients suffering from post trauma vision syndrome. Regardless of what caused your syndrome, our eye doctor can work with you to provide a thorough examination for proper diagnosis. From there, we will create a vision rehab program tailored to your unique needs. Our vision therapy utilizes special exercises designed to enhance eye-brain functionality.

Contact Us for Quality Eye Care from Our Optometry Team in Indianapolis, IN

If you suffered a head injury and are experiencing post trauma vision syndrome, our optometrist at Eyes For Wellness can help. With proper eye care and treatment, your vision can improve, and symptoms can be managed. Contact our Indianapolis office today to learn more about how we can help you improve your vision and eye health.

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